Using cutting edge technologies for developing web applications

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Explore Top-Tier Website Development Services

Our strategy is goal-oriented rather than feature-oriented.

We use a one-of-a-kind method to clarify the development process. You can always keep track of the state of your project owing to clear communication among team members, a simplified project description, and the supply of a development map. Our success is partly due to our systematic and structured work approach, which ensures that all customer requirements are met on time and within budget. Please take a closer look at our services area to learn more about the benefits of our web development processes

We have partnered strategically with various digital organizations to provide the highest quality site design, web development, and digital marketing technology services. Upmax Creative offers a wide range of web development services. We work closely with our clients to create unique websites that are both secure and performant. Our expert developers have much knowledge to understand your project objectives and provide a product that meets your expectations. We will be delighted to assist you in establishing a robust online presence.

Frequently ask questions & Answers

Do give you a better idea of some therms we use on the website to explain the process and pricing we will provide you with some FAQ and ofcourse feel free to contact us on the button below if you have anymore questions

What does HTML, CSS, JS etc. mean?
These are terms we use that indicates wich coding language we use. A website is build together from multiple structures. To make it simple the framework is written in HTML, the Design and colors of the website are written in CSS and the functionality in JS. There many more languages that we are able to write and provide but for a website these are the most common ones.
What is a domain and Hosting?
A domain name is a string of characters that identifies a website. It is what users type in their browser to visit your site A Web hosting is a service that provides space on a server for your website files, allowing it to be available on the internet.
What does CMS mean?
A content management system (CMS) is a software application that enables users to upload files to the website like, pictures, video’s, text etc. So you will be able to keep all these things updated without the help of the developer.
How much time does it take?
That’s all depending on the wishes and type of website. It can be as short as 3 day’s till multiple weeks depending on the size and budget of the project. But during the first meeting we are able to set the amount of time it will take.
Contact Info

270-0223 Chiba Ken Noda Shi Okada 639-3

(+81) 0805 0786 250

Office Hours: 08:00 – 22:00

Available from Monday till Sunday

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